Yours Truly…

I’m into trash ‘n’ treasure, op-shopping, fine dining, good coffee, and great music. Other loves are tiki style, live music, old signage, street art, photography, zines, outre cinema, and anything kitsch. Pale green bakelite? Lawn flamingos? Yes please!

My Art Deco abode is shared with the wonderful Joffa, and a growing collection of vintage homewares. I also dig women’s magazines and recipe books from the 30s-70s. Some of my vintage magazines turn into collages, which I sell on Etsy – click the orange button on my blogroll to visit. You can also find my work at Know Your Product in Northcote.

I’m also rather fond of cooking and cocktails, so will be posting the occasional recipe as well. Did I mention illustration? I’m crazy about it – especially from old magazine ads and children’s books.

You won’t read about me buying on e-bay or anyplace like that – I get my kicks finding good stuff at markets and op-shops. My passion isn’t just the loot, but getting to meet interesting characters and hearing their stories. Currently, I’m on the hunt for tiki bar accessories. My favourite shop ever is Chapel St Bazaar.

The images I post are scanned from old books and magazines in my collection, as well as the family photo album. Photos are from my mobile phone camera.

Thanks to all my friends who kept at me to start blogging.

Drop in any time,

Vetti ( Live in Northcote )



68 responses to “Yours Truly…

  1. Kathryn Lee James ⋅

    Dear Yvette,

    Thankyou for a delightfully entertaining stroll through your world. Here’s a poem for you by local writer, Kristin Henry. It would be better if she was reading it out loud, because of her smoky Tennessee accent, but never mind. It’s called ‘Property Values’.

    Next door is watching us between the palings.
    It’s easy to see through since he poisoned our bougainvillea.
    He’s out there now in the purple dusk, his little eyes glazed with fever.
    Nextdoor hates the way we’ve let things go –
    the passion fruit, the morning glory, the willow, the roses,
    everything spreading, grasping, tangling.
    On his side are pelargoniums in concrete tubs.
    They keep their legs together, their elbows off the table.
    His nature strip is shaved to velvet and razor edged.
    He wishes it never had to touch our hairy verge,
    sticky with dropped cherry plums,
    the crazy daisies reaching
    unpruned arms across the footpath.
    He’s watching us from the center of a heat
    so fierce that hours of standing at the fence
    with his nose held over the chrysanthemums
    have done nothing to cool him down.
    Nextdoor hates us waving,
    hates when we surprise him at the mailbox.
    Most of all he hates our backporch laughter
    on these hot nights.
    It’s been dark for a while,
    but we can hear his pupils dilating.
    We can smell him stewing over there.

    Hope you enjoyed it,
    keep on rockin’

    kj x

  2. kj: sweet of you to pop in! thanks also for the poem, which i love…

  3. eroica

    that’s brilliant!

  4. damn right! good poems always welcome. bad poems, well, not going there…

  5. vita

    Hmm you have just removed an article about know your product I made a link to so I have removed your site from mine what pity you are not into mutual benefit ..
    Oh well

  6. vita: i don’t “remove” anything from this blog, unless i am being spammed. i’m rather fond of mutual benefit actually.

  7. vita

    Hmm well that is very odd AS when I clicked on the link the article that I attached it had gone from your site… Most curious…. Wonder where the pesky wee article went?? And where prey tell is it now my dear !! ….Do you have a search button?? AND What data base/program are you using??? Good glad to her that you are into mutual benefit maybe we will meet in the village with our mutual friends then LOVELY!!

  8. vita

    Hmm well that is very odd AS when I clicked on the link the article that I attached it had gone from your site… Most curious…. Wonder where the pesky wee article went?? And where prey tell is it now my dear !! ….Do you have a search button??

    what data base/program are you using??? Good glad to her that you are into mutual benefit maybe we will meet in the village with our mutual friends then LOVELY!!

  9. ash

    how. bizarre. is. that. woman!?


  10. thank you so much for the heads up on that book – I’m adding it to my amazon wish list πŸ™‚

    I love the photos from your meanderings – the streets ARE works of art πŸ™‚

  11. fidgetrainbowtree: welcome! i’ve read it numerous times, still can’t put it down

    thanks! watch this space, more pics on the way…

  12. colleen

    Chapel St Bizarre – reprazent!!!!

    Why you no mention this at work? If only i had brought over my 70’s collection of Australian Women’s Weekly’s recipe books from NZ instead of selling them to lesser mortals!

    Lovely pub and drinks tonight. Best of luck for your new start – Colleen

  13. colleen: welcome! i forget you hadn’t been on staff as long as the other folks, who are well aware of my penchant for vintage, trash and ephemera.

    sweet of you do drop by tonight, for your best wishes and beautiful present.

  14. colleen

    my pleasure! it’s good to have another blog for eye candy and tips on melbourne’s best hidey places.

    remember…rayon = radical πŸ™‚

  15. colleen: watch this space – plenty more on the way

  16. hardtimesmadeeasy ⋅

    hi vetti!
    it’s the wildschwein’s here.
    just thought we’d drop by to let you know we have started up a new blog. it will mostly be a place to republish our old content, but edited so it functions more like a recipe book. we are hoping to eventually edit all the recipes so they are on the leaner side (e.g. lower in bad fats, and with better guidelines to calorie content, portion size, etc.), so they are more realistic for everyday eating. we might even put up some new stuff here and there, inbetween, if we ever get through it all!
    hope you are doing well! the blog looks fabbo as per usual πŸ™‚
    cheerio for now

  17. hardtimesmadeeasy ⋅

    oh, i thought it would link my name to the blog, but it doesn’t seem to! the url is:

  18. hardtimesmadeeasy: welcome back! your new site looks great, thanks for letting me know! i’m good, hope all well with you both. cheers, vetti x

  19. Alisha ⋅

    Hello! I hope this message finds you well. I am currently working on a feature documentary about the legendary fashion designer Halston and came across your blog during our research. Within our film, we conduct an extensive interview with Ms. Liza Minnelli who was a close friend of Halston’s and wore many custom Halston designs. Specifically, we are interested in the below photo/article you posted on your blog as we may want to include the material in our film. Might you be able to provide a hi-res version of the article and any supporting photos? I’ve also contacted Australian Women’s Weekly in which the story was originally published, but unfortunately have not received a response. Any information or assistance you can provide would be extremely appreciated. Thank you very much!


  20. Alisha: hi! Have emailed you – would love to lend you the magazine. Film sounds fabulous, tell me more? Vetti

  21. Mike

    what, no twitter?
    How am I supposed to keep up with events?


  22. Mike: howdy and welcome! Twitter is so not moi (and no, I don’t have Facebook on my mobile either)…

  23. imagestoliveby ⋅

    Discovered your blog through the Melbourne Art and Culture Critic blog – great work!

    I write a blog about street art in melbourne and elsewhere, called Images to Live By, at

    I also live in 3070 and it’s great to see a blog that sings the delights of Northcote!



  24. imagestoliveby: thank you ali! had a quick look @ your blog, will definitely be back…always a pleasure to meet another Northcote afficiando πŸ™‚

  25. Tony

    As others have mentioned it is fantastic to see a Northcote blog. I lived in Barry St for years (behind the cinema). My wife and I have moved to Brisbane and found a lovely area to live in but it will never beat High Street Northcote. Say Hi to Joe at the Westgarth Licenced Grocer for me (and buy a Coopers Sparkling and drink it while walking up the hill, glancing over your shoulder and admiring the view of the city).

  26. Tony: welcome aboard! Always good to meet someone with a Northcote connection. I’ve been here almost 9 years, and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Will certainly say hi to Joe and have a cold one for you.

  27. Thank you so much for your kind words around my photographs for the MINT catalogue. It is so nice when people take the trouble.

    My very best wishes,


  28. Terence Bogue: so lovely of you to drop in! I’ve been enjoying your work for some time, and greatly appreciate your perceptive style!



  29. Dani ⋅

    Hi Vetti,

    I write a restaurant column in the Sunday Age and I’m doing a page on Northcote. Would you like to be part of the page? There’s a little paragraph called ‘Indulge’ where someone talks about a food-related thing they’ve been enjoying recently… Please get in touch if you’re interested and I’ll tell you more.

  30. Dani: hello and welcome! I’d love to be involved, will email you.


  31. colleen

    hello old workmate πŸ™‚ when you gonna come visit us again? annika, diana, lia, donna ,gau and i are still there…awaiting your real life updates. lots of drama and changes have gone down and it’s now safe to visit πŸ˜‰ they’ve even updated the website (only once mind). hope you’re well and happy. your food knowledge and enthusiasm are missed.

    colleen x

  32. colleen

    and yolande. how could i forget the beutiful yolande?!

  33. Colleen: so sweet to hear from you! Don’t find myself on that side of town much these days, you’ll be glad to know my food knowledge, enthusiasm and real life are still superfantastic! How does an afterwork drink with the old gang sound? Will be in touch…Hello and hugs to everyone xx

  34. Hi again lovely lady!

    Just letting you know that I’ve now posted about your awesome suburb over at Shelbyville, so please drop by and have a look when you get a moment. Lots of pics from our day’s Northcote adventuring, and lots of thanks to you for your inspiration πŸ™‚

    (aka Shelbyville)

  35. Shelbyville: Hi Michelle! So pleased you had your own Northcote adventures, I will certainly drop in for a look! Great to see you, hope the zine fair was a big success for you?

    Cheers, Vetti

  36. Barnaby Chiverton ⋅

    Hi Vetti

    Thank you so much for the positive blog review that you posted about our show Distant Bodies. I’m glad you enjoyed it, it makes those of us working on the production feel that they are doing something worthwhile.

    Coolio Inglesias,


  37. Barnaby Chiverton:

    Hello and welcome! My pal and I loved your show, and look forward to seeing more of your work…



  38. Damon ⋅

    Great to see another blog representing North Side – yours is a lot more specific and organised, it will make a good reference for people new to northcote.

  39. Damon: Thanks! I love living here, guess it shows…

  40. nick ilton ⋅

    g’day Vetti, thanks for the nice words about my subversion therapy and suggestion box gear. I’m taking subtherapy out of off the kerb on friday arvo and if you can make it down I’d love to gift one to you

  41. nick ilton: Thanks! Most generous of you. I would love to meet you on Friday, will email you.

  42. Kaff-eine

    Neat. Love your vintage aesthetic. Love your site!

  43. Kaff-eine:

    Howdy and welcome! I love your blog, am enjoying seeing your work on the streets too…



  44. SPARCS ⋅

    I am sure I had your email address somewhere but no idea where… so please excuse what may appear to be spamesent…

    Thought you might like to know about this show… there will be some Sam Doll stencils as well as some fallen girl ones…!/group.php?gid=46938724001

    Cheers SPARCS

  45. Vetti

    SPARCS: Hey, this looks great! Will certainly check it out (and email you my address).
    Cheers, Vetti

  46. Omg Chapel St Bazaar πŸ˜€ I could go crazy in that place, you know, if I ever actually had any money. And any space to put anything.

  47. Vetti

    Kitten of Doom: too true – I try not to go there too often, it’s so dangerously fabulous…

  48. Lion RAR ⋅

    Hi Vetti thought you might like to know that there are in fact some truly bored, soulless and artless people in the world taking your information and transforming it very badly.
    I think your blog is great but some people are using it in a negative light. Not sure if it can really be helped, but just thought you might like to be aware of the wankers out there who are trying to turn our world in to a bland, artless Stepford Wives community.

  49. Vetti

    Lion RAR: Hello and welcome! Yes, I am very much aware of it. Thank you for getting in touch.

  50. vita

    This content from my site is worth reading Yvette maybe we could discuss some mutual benefits I take copyright content and product placement very seriously darl and would be interested to discuss mutual benefits with you

    It would be worth meeting you in this a long time


  51. Vetti

    Vita: hi! Clearly lots for me to read and think about, but not quite enough hours in the day right now. Thanks for getting in touch, and for the link!

  52. Nathan Little ⋅

    Thanks very much for mentioning The Bad Father EP! xxx

  53. Vetti

    Nathan Little: It is my pleasure! Loving the Bad Father’s blend of sequins, dance moves and euro-pop xo

  54. ana ⋅

    Bookmarked. Hello from the neighbourhood.. x

  55. Vetti

    ana: Hello and welcome! Pleased you enjoy my little corner of the Northside…

  56. Hello there, fellow Northcourtier,
    I’m digging your blog. You will be featuring on my blogroll!

    Keep up the good work!


  57. Vetti

    M T Walker: Hiya Mark! Always a pleasure to meet another Northcote aficionado…Thanks for your sweet words and adding me to your blogroll!



  58. Arty Graffarti ⋅

    hello! from a fellow Northcotian, thanks for the support/subscribe. cool blog too!


  59. Vetti

    Arty Graffarti: Hiya! Always a pleasure to meet more Northcotians πŸ™‚ Thanks so much! Enjoying your blog too…

  60. i may look stupid or blind here, but is there any way to subscribe?

  61. Vetti

    Arty Graffarti: If you have the wordpress taskbar at the top of your screen, click on “follow” when you’re looking at my blog. I’m on twitter as vettinorthcote , if you follow me there I tweet to announce new posts…Thanks so much!

  62. April47th ⋅

    Hi Vetti, love your blog been checking out the cool art you have been posting for a while. I’m actually just about to move to northcote. A while back you were commenting that you would love to have a tiki bar, well I have a tiki shelf with a thatched roof which you may want. Cool bamboo shelving with 3 shelves to store drinks. Stands at over 6 foot. I used it for my tiki bar but it doesn’t fit anywhere in my new place. Let me know if you want it, I can give you pics. I have a truck tomorrow so could even drop it off.

  63. Vetti

    April47th: Hello and thank you! Welcome to the neighbourhood, am sure you’ll like it here! Would love to see pics, am definitely interested in your tiki shelving! Will be in touch.

  64. Doog ⋅

    Ms Vetti,

    I often read and enjoy your blog..thought you might want to take a walk down High St a bit further than Clark St . There is a lovely spot with views of city (i’m sure you’ve noticed) but what is new is a posted city skyline with notated description of what building is what. On the West side of High ..just where the steel steps are. Take you camera.

  65. Vetti

    Doog: How lovely of you! I haven’t walked down the steps there for at least a week, did find and enjoy the skyline map today. I’ve posted about this person’s work before, and really enjoy what he does. Thanks for letting me know!

  66. Cat

    Hi Vetti! I’m a Fairfield gal – is that acceptable? πŸ™‚ Would love to be blog friends! You wanna come check out Northcote YMCA on me?

  67. Vetti

    Cat: welcome aboard! I’m rather fond of Fairfield actually πŸ™‚ thanks for the offer, will be in touch sometime…

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