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textual healing

Dear Black Texta Writer,

Thank you for making me smile yesterday (and every time I look at this photo).




About Vetti

I love good coffee, street art, tiki bars and kitsch. Adore roller derby and quiffs and vintage Hawaiian shirts. Enjoy a slice of my northside life!

9 responses to “textual healing

  1. crumpet

    This is great. 🙂

  2. great post title. I could use your wit and wordplay on some of my titles

  3. crumpet: yeh – and its on a fugly Fitzroy townhouse which I hope will one day disappear under a pile of street art…

    Pasadena: thanks! I love puns and obscure words, and scribble in notebooks a lot. Song lyrics, signs and kitschy brand names are great for inspiration

  4. Well now you’ve got us all smiling. Made my day — so far.

  5. altadenahiker: i aim to please…thanks for stopping by!

  6. kymbo

    Poetry is dead people!!!!!!
    Nahhh, why my favourite and my best is ” Cliff, sometimes it’s difficult not to feel as if, you really are are Cliff, when fascits keep try to push you over it, are they the enenmy? Or are you Cliff, or ARE you Cliff!”

    I sense the irony in the original post, heh, funny, nice to see some statements and responses in an artform, yes people the idea is to respond! Although stencil form is preferred.

  7. kymbo: there’s a lot about this dialogue i just love

    textual healing is a beautiful thing!

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